Friday, March 27, 2020

Buy Intel Tutoring Online - An In-Depth Look at the Benefits of

Buy Intel Tutoring Online - An In-Depth Look at the Benefits of Intel.comThe most obvious benefit of buying Intel tutoring online is the ease with which you can accomplish your task. As I mentioned earlier, the course material and subsequent practice sessions are delivered on your computer or notebook as soon as you register. You don't have to travel to a tutor's office and spend money to drive him there; you can simply sit at home and access the tutor's training material at anytime, from anywhere, whenever you want.Tutoring online provides an enormous convenience for many parents who have strong schedules to attend to and also for students who are either in a highly competitive field or who would like to work at their own pace. As far as convenience goes, this can be one of the greatest advantages to buying online tutoring.Intel also provides users with more options when it comes to setting up and running the tutoring program. You can specify the location of the tutoring, whether yo u want personal time, group tutoring or both, whether you prefer electronic feedback or a face-to-face interaction, and even your level of confidence and expertise in the subject matter. All of these are very important considerations in any kind of tutoring. Not only does the software enable you to get the very best results, but it also enables you to control the entire process, so that you don't end up using it for something which is not best for your child.This type of tutoring is also ideal for those parents who do not have time to visit tutoring schools and engage them personally. For such parents, buying tutoring online enables them to enroll their children in tutoring and also to begin their education, without having to commit to an expensive and stressful trip to the school.Just like any other personal investment, time and effort is always required in order to reap its benefits. However, time investment can be reduced through a combination of free software, such as the Agora and Accelerate tutoring systems, and software likeSnapPedia and Dreamweaver, both of which are extremely user-friendly and which enable you to add great value and provide precise feedback on the most crucial points, from the very first session. When you use this kind of software, you do not have to pay for software updates, or for a high-priced monthly fee, since the system itself constantly improves.With this kind of set-up, any parent can enroll their child into Intel tutoring without spending a lot of money and with the sole intention of gaining a better insight into the subject, without necessarily sacrificing the teacher's time. The teacher can continue to do his or her job, taking care of his or her students, but at the same time, he or she can concentrate on the educational process itself, making progress on the course material in a far more meaningful experience.Hence, tutoring online has an enormous number of positive benefits, but only if you take advantage of the software as well as the Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office support in order to maximize the benefits. Even a very basic system like the Agora software will allow you to implement your own personalized system that can enable you to tailor the tutoring process to the needs of your child and give you maximum results. Ultimately, however, what you do will have to be determined by you and what you want to do, which is why it is important to consider all the advantages of tutoring online before you make the final decision.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Three Things To Consider When Your Child Gets a Bad Report Card

Three Things To Consider When Your Child Gets a Bad Report Card One question that is often asked by parents is what to do when their child receives a bad report card? There is no concrete way to address this as every situation is different, but we did find some very useful tips in a parenting blog post the New York Times published a few years ago. The blog post featured the question of one parent who asked for advice after her childs progress report showed grades that were significantly lower than normal. The child was so scared of being punished that she initially hid her report card. Readers of the parenting blog were polled and asked to leave their opinions on what they would do in a similar situation. Here are several key points taken from their comments: 1. It Might Not Be Effort: Effort is not necessarily the problem when a student receives poorer grades than usual. There are so many variables that affect performance. The class size could be larger than normal, affecting the student's ability to get the one-on-one attention he or she needs. It could also be a matter of the time of day the class is held. Considering the environment and other variables might help to determine why your child is struggling. 2. Punishment Only Makes It Worse: Parental pressure was a major cause of concern echoed in reader responses, as they thought back to their own school experiences. Rather than learning the material, many of the readers polled recalled being so obsessed with grades that they didn't care about the subject matter itself. If your child is struggling but trying, it might make more sense to offer encouragement rather than punishing him or her right away. This could help foster confidence in the student and allow him or her to relax, which may help put focus on learning versus stressing about grades. 3. It All Starts with Communication: Communication was another common theme from reader feedback. It might be advantageous to communicate with your child about interests and current challenges to get a better idea of potential issues. Is your student too focused on extracurricular activities at the moment? Is he or she overwhelmed by a heavier-than-normal workload? You could also speak with your child openly about your own struggles and how you overcame them, so he or she knows that everyone has struggled with school work at times. An open line of communication serves as the best way for a child to ask for help when it's needed. In the event that you need outside assistance to get your child back on track, we encourage you to contact us today. Our tutors not only are skilled in their subject areas of expertise; they are dedicated to helping students get the best grades possible through proven practices. Whether your child needs specific subject tutoring or ACT test prep to get for ready for college entrance exams, our tutors are up for the challenge. Contact us today to learn more.

This Young Reading Program Completer Developed a Love for Literature in Kumon

This Young Reading Program Completer Developed a Love for Literature in Kumon This Young Reading Program Completer Developed a Love for Literature in Kumon Uma, 12-years-old, Math Level I, Reading Program Completer “By far, the most helpful thing I’ve learned in Kumon is how to read, and to appreciate it. Kumon has fueled my love of reading. I’ve learned many valuable techniques on analyzing literature.”- Uma At a young age, Uma developed a sense of wanderlust. Wise beyond her years, her appreciation of travel and discovering new places is quite impressive. While many kids her age default to social media or other forms of screen time, Uma loves seeing the world and everything it has to offer. “I love traveling. It is so invigorating to escape to somewhere new, where nobody knows your name. Travel is especially rewarding because of the pictures I capture, and then get to share with others,” said Uma. When Uma is not traveling, she can be found lost in a new book or writing. In 2019, she hopes to learn how to speak Korean and continue learning the art of calligraphy. Photography has been one of Uma’s favorite hobbies, especially when traveling. She enjoys capturing images that tell a story and perfecting them through editing. Uma has even joined the wave of cleaning and organization thanks to Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Kondo’s critically acclaimed book has helped people around the world to declutter their spaces and become organized. The KonMari Methodâ„¢ encourages organization by category, such as clothes, then papers. Once you’ve gone through each category, you will only hold onto items that still serve value, and “spark joy”. Uma has thoroughly enjoyed tidying her room with this method, which has resulted in her neighbors asking her to organize their spaces as well. While she’s still undecided on a career path, she does see a future in psychology. “I could be a psychologist as I like to listen to other’s problems, and offer my best advice,” said Uma. Uma’s hard work and discipline didn’t go unnoticed, as she was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Uma about her Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you inside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me in so many ways academically. I already understand what is being taught in school, which has resulted in receiving higher grades. I’ve even passed every state exam above my grade level. I no longer have anxiety about taking tests, because testing in Kumon has taught me that I wouldn’t be taking a particular test unless I was prepared. Now, I can even help other students in my class on concepts they might’ve missed in class. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? Uma shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe Outside of the classroom, Kumon has helped me with my problem-solving skills. I no longer worry when I may not understand something right away. I simply try to understand it and ask for help when necessary. This has boosted my confidence, and I am now willing to try new things even if they seem difficult. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Gratifying. I have already gained so many benefits from Kumon. When I look back, I don’t see the challenging times. Instead, I see all the ways it has benefitted me. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? Attending the Student Conference was an amazing, eye-opening experience. I met so many people that I share a lot in common with. It was amazing to be recognized, and humbling to know that others have accomplished so much in Kumon. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? Kumon is not easy, and it should not be gone through quickly. There will be many challenging moments that you will face. You will ask yourself, “What will I ever get out of this?” Don’t worry, I had those moments too. Consider how amazing it will be when you complete the program, and how proud everyone will be. Consider the endless benefits of Kumon, and how you will thank yourself later. Get a snack and keep going â€" it’s worth it! Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Math Program Completer is Driven by Perseverance This Young Kumon Reading Program Completer is an Aspiring Computer Engineer Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Kumon Reading Program Completer Motivated by Other Students This Young Reading Program Completer Developed a Love for Literature in Kumon This Young Reading Program Completer Developed a Love for Literature in Kumon Uma, 12-years-old, Math Level I, Reading Program Completer “By far, the most helpful thing I’ve learned in Kumon is how to read, and to appreciate it. Kumon has fueled my love of reading. I’ve learned many valuable techniques on analyzing literature.”- Uma At a young age, Uma developed a sense of wanderlust. Wise beyond her years, her appreciation of travel and discovering new places is quite impressive. While many kids her age default to social media or other forms of screen time, Uma loves seeing the world and everything it has to offer. “I love traveling. It is so invigorating to escape to somewhere new, where nobody knows your name. Travel is especially rewarding because of the pictures I capture, and then get to share with others,” said Uma. When Uma is not traveling, she can be found lost in a new book or writing. In 2019, she hopes to learn how to speak Korean and continue learning the art of calligraphy. Photography has been one of Uma’s favorite hobbies, especially when traveling. She enjoys capturing images that tell a story and perfecting them through editing. Uma has even joined the wave of cleaning and organization thanks to Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Kondo’s critically acclaimed book has helped people around the world to declutter their spaces and become organized. The KonMari Methodâ„¢ encourages organization by category, such as clothes, then papers. Once you’ve gone through each category, you will only hold onto items that still serve value, and “spark joy”. Uma has thoroughly enjoyed tidying her room with this method, which has resulted in her neighbors asking her to organize their spaces as well. While she’s still undecided on a career path, she does see a future in psychology. “I could be a psychologist as I like to listen to other’s problems, and offer my best advice,” said Uma. Uma’s hard work and discipline didn’t go unnoticed, as she was one of 55 students selected to attend the 2018 Kumon Student Conference in Calgary, Canada. We had the opportunity to speak to Uma about her Kumon journey. How has Kumon helped you inside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me in so many ways academically. I already understand what is being taught in school, which has resulted in receiving higher grades. I’ve even passed every state exam above my grade level. I no longer have anxiety about taking tests, because testing in Kumon has taught me that I wouldn’t be taking a particular test unless I was prepared. Now, I can even help other students in my class on concepts they might’ve missed in class. How has Kumon helped you outside of the classroom? Uma shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe Outside of the classroom, Kumon has helped me with my problem-solving skills. I no longer worry when I may not understand something right away. I simply try to understand it and ask for help when necessary. This has boosted my confidence, and I am now willing to try new things even if they seem difficult. If you could sum up your Kumon experience in one word, what would it be? Gratifying. I have already gained so many benefits from Kumon. When I look back, I don’t see the challenging times. Instead, I see all the ways it has benefitted me. What did it mean to you attending the Student Conference? Attending the Student Conference was an amazing, eye-opening experience. I met so many people that I share a lot in common with. It was amazing to be recognized, and humbling to know that others have accomplished so much in Kumon. What advice do you have for other Kumon Students? Kumon is not easy, and it should not be gone through quickly. There will be many challenging moments that you will face. You will ask yourself, “What will I ever get out of this?” Don’t worry, I had those moments too. Consider how amazing it will be when you complete the program, and how proud everyone will be. Consider the endless benefits of Kumon, and how you will thank yourself later. Get a snack and keep going â€" it’s worth it! Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: This Math Program Completer is Driven by Perseverance This Young Kumon Reading Program Completer is an Aspiring Computer Engineer Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Kumon Reading Program Completer Motivated by Other Students

Thursday, March 5, 2020

12 Language Learning Websites in a Special 3-course Menu

12 Language Learning Websites in a Special 3-course Menu 12 Language Learning Websites in a Special 3-course Menu Wouldnt it be nice if you could just order a language?If you could be served up Russian fluency within minutes of deciding, Hey, I think Id like to speak Russian?If you could say, Hmm, Spanish sounds good, then have it brought to you on a silver platter?Sadly, it doesnt work like that.Instead, you google the fastest way  to learn ___. You settle on something that seems worth it. You sign up. Then you have to sit down and do the work.Learning a language can be like a full-time job, and youll probably need as much help as you can get.But remember what Jimmy told Dottie in A League of Their Own:The hard is what makes it great.Its a counterintuitive truth: If it doesnt take work, it probably aint worth it.And that said, learning a language can still be a good time. Plus, you can get lots of assistance without even leaving the room.Theres probably never been a better time in history for language learning. There are resources everywhere, especially online.The internet provides access to a smorgasbord of courses, groups, apps, articles, blogs, dictionaries, translators and pretty much anything you need when you want to get started learning a language.Its now easier than ever to connect with people who share your interests, and to truly enjoy the learning process.All this connectivity can be overwhelming, however, and not all language learning websites are made equal. So were here to help. Once you get serious, it doesnt have to be a solo struggle.The worlds literally at your fingertips, and were going to help you navigate it.While learning a language may not be as easy as ordering off the menu at your favorite restaurant, it can still be a satisfying, guided experience.So heres your online menu to language learning success. 12 Language Learning Websites in a Special 3-course MenuCourse 1: Start with the Nitty Gritty and Practice, Practice, PracticeIt all boils down to the basics. In order to master a new language you need a foundation, and to build on that foundatio n, you need practice. You may think this sounds tedious, but it can lots of be fun, especially with the availability of apps and websites that turn language learning into a game. When youve decided that youre ready to get going, you can start guided practice on any of these sites within minutes, maybe even seconds.BabbelBabbel is considered the worlds first language learning app. It offers 14 languages, ranging from Spanish to Indonesian. Babbels goal is to get you speaking, reading and listening right away. Some users claim to be able to have small conversations in their target language within hours of starting their program.Babbel uses real voice recordings, so youll hear how to properly pronounce and understand words. Its tailored to your native language and starts you with vocabulary thatll be easy to recognize. It also allows you to choose topics that are relevant to you, so that it sticks.Its a great resource for starting strong in your language learning journey. Its also avai lable for both desktop and mobile devices, so you can learn anywhere.DuolingoAh, the ever-popular Duolingo. Youd be hard-pressed to find any list of language learning sites without Duolingo. Its currently the reigning champion of apps in the language learning community, due to its accessibility and simplicity. Available on both your computer and your phone, its 100% free and ready to help you kickstart your language learning immediately. Currently, its host to many language courses, with others in beta or still hatching.The way it works: You set up your account, choose your target language(s), set your daily goal and off you go. Youll be taken through a cluster of modules that are designed to get you acclimated from the ground up. You start with the most basic of words and phrases, and they become increasingly more challenging as you complete each module.There are a host of features to keep you motivated, such as clubs, lingots (Duolingos currency), a weekly leaderboard (to see how much practice youve had compared to your friends) and badges. Theres also a discussion board if youre still unclear on something.Duolingo really is a great tool for someone who wants an intro into a new language. Itll give you a solid base and get you speaking and reading at a basic conversational level. However, if youre aiming for fluency, youll still need to supplement with reading, speaking and listening with outside sources.Duolingo is available on the web as well as on iOS and Android devices.FluentUFluentU is a fast-growing website for language learners that takes a different approach from most of whats out there. Simply put, if youre into interactive lessons, videos, TV, YouTube or all of the above, then this is the place you need to be. Even if you dont think youre into any of those things, you may be surprised how fun learning a language this way can be. With a free trial, you can check out full access to tons of content, including movie trailers and music videos, all spok en in your target language.Whats great about this is that youll hear actual, real speakers.  Many websites teach with computerized audio, which doesnt lend itself to being very helpful for when you finally listen to native speakers. In fact, many people feel a bit discouraged when they encounter native speakers of their target language after hours of computerized audio, because it turns out they havent really learned anything applicable to the real world.FluentU gets you started with real speakers, and matches you with videos based on your experience level. After the video, youll go through a set of lessons based on what you just watched so that you get repeated exposure to these sometimes difficult-to-grasp words and phrases. Its really worth the time and money to get your fluency to the next level. Also, FluentU caters to all levels from newbie through native and personalizes your learning, so you can use it all through your journey to fluency.FluentU is available on the website o r in app form for iOS  and Android.CourseraCoursera is much like an online classroom. Classes here are taught by professors from some of the top institutions around the world through pre-recorded videos. Classmates can communicate with each other in the class forum.Coursera covers the most widely spoken languages, such as Spanish, Mandarin and more. Whether you opt for  Chinese for Beginners or  Spanish Vocabulary, you can use Coursera to begin with the basics and get the foundation you need.If you happen to be a little further along in your studies, you might want to check out one of the classes that are actually taught  in a foreign language. For most courses, youll have free access to the course material for seven days, and if you like what youre seeing you can pay for full enrollment and receive a certificate once youve passed the class.People who love Coursera are people who love classroom settings. Youll have a clear lesson plan from start to finish. You get quizzed at the end of lessons. You get a real teacher whos able to clarify some of the nuances in language that sometimes confuse us. You wont be able to raise your hand and ask a question, but you can always pose questions on the forum so that your teacher or other students can respond.Whereas with some of the automated language apps, youre learning on your own, with Coursera youve got a network of others who are doing the exact same thing as you, so its a little less lonely and can be quite collaborative depending on how social you are.LingQLingQ is one of the most robust online language learning systems out there and comes with lots of perks: It includes a foreign language library with audio and transcripts, special vocabulary tools, a great global online community and more.Its easy to get started, and with their method, youll begin learning a language quickly through loads of input, including authentic web content, as well as practice with native speakers, all while tracking the vocabulary youve learned.The unique standout aspects of LingQ are its community, organization and flexibilityâ€"as with Coursera, the ability to communicate with other learners is a big plus, only that communication isnt confined by a specific period of time and can be ongoing. Also, you dont only have access to other learners but also native speakers of your target language. You can use the forum to ask any questions you have about your target language and get responses from native speakers. You can also customize your approach while still keeping a firm handle on your progress.LingQ is available on the web and also for iOS and Android.Course 2: Get Motivated and Enjoy YourselfWhen were learning something, a little moral support can go a long way. Luckily, the language learning community reaches far and wide. There are a number of internet gurus who know exactly what youre feeling and are happy to share their experiences and offer up practical advice as well as more concrete resources. With the web sites in this list, youll not only find further resources and communities you can directly apply to your learning, but youll learn how to organize your own learning and eventually move into the advanced levels. This list is by no means exhaustive, but below are the essential fan favorites.Fluent in 3 MonthsIf you havent already heard of Benny the Irish Polyglot then youre welcome. Bennys website is built on a concept that would excite any language learner: speaking from Day 1.The idea behind Bennys philosophy is that if you truly want to learn a language, you cant hide behind books and apps. You have to get out there and just do it. That doesnt mean do away with books and apps. You definitely need them. However, many of us decide that we should wait until were at an acceptable level of fluency to begin speaking. With Benny, that just doesnt fly.If youve been struggling with learning a language, or if youre just starting, then this is a great place for insight. Benny had similar stru ggles. He spent years trying to learn Spanish to no avail. Now, he speaks seven languages fluently.There are tons of resources on Fluent in 3 Months, from success stories to books, courses and advice. When you enter the website, you can sign up for Bennys free Speak in a Week email course. Youll receive tips and advice to start speaking any language right away. You can also head over to the blog section where youll find articles such as  16 Must-know Words and Phrases for Any Language  that will let you prepare yourself to have an easier time getting comfortable with your target language.You should also read about how one contributor chronicled his mission to speak only German in the course of 30 days. Its quite inspiring and offers a lot of advice on how to get through such a nerve-wracking challenge. You can find the posts here:  New Mission: One Month Without English,  Nerves, Tears and a Breakthrough: 2 Weeks Without Speaking English [Mission Update]  and The Amazing Moment Spea king German Finally Clicked [Mission Completed].Language SurferLanguage Surfer is another great site for language learners that has a slightly different approach. According to Ron, the site creator, no one can ever truly master a new language. Thats not to say you should throw in the towel and take up knitting instead. However, the idea is that one must get comfortable with the idea of imperfection.Languages are something to enjoy, like a surfer riding waves in the ocean. With many things in life, we dont strive to be the absolute bestâ€"like with cooking or riding a bike. Some of us do, but most of us just get good enough for survival, and if were a little more ambitious we strive to impress.Rons advice focuses on getting language learners to a level where they feel comfortable and confident. He offers articles on why making mistakes is good, and advice on how listening can help move you along to reach your goals faster. If youre new to language learning, go straight to the  New? S tart Here!  section of the website. From there, you can get started with a  language learning roadmap,  or if youve had some experience already you can check out  what the next steps are after Duolingo.Rons laissez-faire approach to language learning can be a great relief to those of us who put too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. Check out his complete philosophy here. Its quite good.Itchy FeetSometimes we need a giggle. Cue Itchy Feet. If you havent started already, youll soon find out that sometimes learning a new language will make you want to bang your head against the wall and beg the language gods for mercy. FYI, they never listen.Itchy Feet pokes fun at the peaks and pitfalls of both learning a language and travel abroad. Also, the comics arent just offered in English, but also in Spanish, Russian, Greek, French and more. All you have to do is scroll down to the bottom and select one of the 18 languages available. This will lead you to a Facebook page and youll have access to all of the comics in that language.So even while youre acknowledging the woes of language learning, youre still able to get some reading practice in. A good way to know if youre making progress is if you read a foreign language comic in your target language and actually start laughing.Course 3: Find and Master Speaking PracticeSpeaking is key to comfort in language learning. That is to say, you probably wont be comfortable at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets and the closer youll be to fluency.But Im learning Romanian, and there arent any Romanian speakers where I live. How can I practice speaking?The internet has heard your call and has answered in overabundance. There are several language exchange sites and practice groups that will have you speaking from the word hello. Here are some of the very best.italkiThe popular site italki offers live, face-to-face conversations with a certified instructor. Its a great way to start speaking right away with native speakers. Even when youre using apps, books or whatever your preferred learning resource, you need to add speaking to your schedule. Italki will get you speaking with the benefit of formal instruction. Speaking is a great way to gauge your progress. With each session, youll see that it becomes a little bit easier. Also, if you dont have access to native speakers of your target language in your current location, then italki is gold.Users are able to navigate through the list of instructors and choose based on personality, country, fluency, price and even schedule. If you want to give a teacher a test run, most offer trial lessons for much cheaper than their typical price. The website also has instructors that offer instant tutoring if you want to dive into lessons right away.If you cant afford the certified instructors, italki offers a community of tutors whose prices are substantially lower than the instructors. You typically wont get formal instruction with a tutor, but most of th em are native speakers of the language they advertise, so their lessons can be just as effective as those of the certified instructors.If youre really unable to spend money, then you can opt for a language exchange with other members. Youll have to split the time so you both get practice in your target language, but if youre comfortable with this, then go for it!SpeakyIf the name of the site isnt clue enough, this is another speaking website. Its completely free and simple to use. Once you register you fill out a profile detailing the basics: name, age, geography. Then, youre prompted to identify your native language(s), the language(s) you would like to learn and your current level of fluency.From there, users have access to a large network of language learners who are all there for the same reason (mostly), which is to take part in a language exchange. The coolest things about Speaky are the video chat and text features. The video chat is offered in-house and includes note-taking, it suggests topics of conversation and even has a timer if youre strict about keeping the language exchange fair.You can always go to Skype if youd like, but why would you when Speakys video chat is made specifically to enhance your learning experience?The chat systemâ€"another cool featureâ€"is like any other, except as a language learner youll find the correction feature quite handy. Users have the ability to go directly into the chat bubble to correct each other so that you can learn from your mistakes on the spot.Speaky can be really fun, because there are so many users and people always jump at the chance to start an exchange. It can be a little overwhelming, but its a better problem to have than not having anyone at all. Its not uncommon to go through a number of conversations before you find someone you truly click with. However, once you connect with the right person, you could possibly be on your way to a lasting relationship that will benefit you in more ways than you can imagine!VerblingVerbling is a streamlined, all-in-one option for those specifically looking for online teachers. You can sort through hundreds of teachers, searching by factors like price, availability, skills, where theyre from and more. You can see how many lessons a teacher has taught, how theyve been rated by other students and check out all kinds of other detailed information on their page, including their education, experience and qualifications.If having a sense of structure makes you feel more secure, you can take pre-arranged one-on-one courses on specific topics, like Italian pronunciation, Chinese characters or Spanish conversationâ€"all for a set price.Once you find a teacher you like, you can book lessons with them right there. Like with talking to an exchange partner on Speaky, you dont need an extra video chat program hereâ€"its all in-house. The site itself has a smooth, intuitive designâ€"perfect for those looking for a comfortable online space to jump into remote learning.MeetupWhile this isnt a site that youll primarily benefit from online, its the next step. If the other sites above provide live-action conversation, then Meetup is your 3D, HD, IMAX.If youre looking for in-person conversation this is the place to go. On Meetup, linguaphiles gather to share their passion at local venues in small intimate groups to large, party-sized group. Groups offer a wide range of activities, from conversing in coffee shops to museum trips and more.If youre a social butterfly who enjoys meeting new people while actively pursuing your goals, then Meetup is probably right for you. All you have to do is sign up, search for your target language, and browse. Since there are so many groups out there, youre sure to come across something suitable for you. Also, the gatherings are generally free, so if youre on a budget this is a great learning option.The internet is vast and theres an endless supply of websites thatll help you get started learning a language.Tak e the time to find the ones that work for you. Itll be one of the greatest steps youve taken to reach your goals!

Kampala Community International Primary School

Kampala Community International Primary School Kampala Community International Primary School Kampala Community International Primary Schoolis a unique school, specialising in hands on active learning. Our school motto -Inspiring Every Child to Love Learning - underpins everything we do at school. We are a single entry school and classes are small witha maximum of 18 students. We have a very diverse student body, with over 15 nationalities from 4 continents, and teachers from the UK, USA, Australia, Netherlands and Uganda. We use the English National Curriculum and believe in bringing learning to life as much as possible. Our students are inquirers, they enjoy researching and asking lots of questions, they challenge themselves to find out why and frequently dig deeper for more understanding. Our school was set up to provide an affordableinternational education option in a city where high international school fees makes such an education prohibitive to many families. All our parents are striving towards a more enjoyable and active education experience for their children. Although we are a small and relatively new school we have already made a huge impact in Kampala. We attend and host events with the leading international schools in Kampala;we play in an international schools' sports league; we stage productions and concerts; have a school choir and offer individual music lessons; we alsohave a broad after school clubs programme. We have an active Parent Committee and a great Student Council and a library with nearly 3,000 books. The school has a real 'can-do' feel about it - everyone has the opportunity to get involved with so many aspects of school life which creates a great team spirit, and makes it a wonderful place to both learn and work. View our Brochure

Getting A Better Understanding Of The Language Through The W.O.U.T

Getting A Better Understanding Of The Language Through The W.O.U.TThe use of the W.O.U.T or Wise Owl Tutoring guide has been an amazing and remarkable tool for raising one's self to a higher level. Whether you are one of the gifted children who has always been a problem solver or if you are a child who has been learning in schools and universities, this kind of aid will help you and your learning process. This is the perfect choice for children whose understanding of the English language is not that good and are eager to progress in their learning process. This program is for both individuals and businesses as it works in collaboration with business and other organizations to help children with poor writing skills learn better grammar.In order to make this tool more effective, it has been put together to help you and your child learn the basic fundamentals of writing in simple and smart word knowledge. However, instead of words, this guide is built upon the backbone of ideas and a fo cus on phonics and vocabulary. It is said that your child learns the English language through watching movies and television shows. Therefore, you will not be wrong to say that this program will help you increase your child's self-confidence and open his eyes to the world. If you have kids who love to play with toys and dolls, you might want to consider this program.The program was originally developed by the famous owl named the Wise Owl. It features simple illustrations and very simple animations that help your child to understand what letters and words mean and how to spell it. This guide not only teaches your child the letters but also teaches the basics of how to spell it. Even though the spelling is not as difficult as the English language, this program still offers you an interesting, albeit easy way of teaching your child the basics of learning and writing.The program can be used as a simple yet effective guide for your child to enhance his intelligence and to learn the basi cs of the English language. After you have used the program for awhile, you will find that your child's brain is becoming more receptive to the things around him. Moreover, this is the kind of program that can make your child more creative.Even though this is a learning aid and not a course for someone else to teach a course, the Owl Tutoring Guide is sure to boost your child's self-esteem and self-confidence. Because the W.O.U.T is really helpful and has been especially designed for children, you can expect your child to be a much more intelligent individual as he grows up. And no matter if you have kids who love to listen to music or just want to become more creative, this will be a wonderful aid to make learning fun and enjoyable.W.O.U.T is now marketed by the Wise Owl tutoring company that is known to have made a major breakthrough in the education field. Aside from being simple and easy to follow, this program has also proved itself to be very useful. In order to make this guid e more effective, the program was made with an intuitive approach that will be beneficial to your child's learning process. However, this guide is only effective for kids who are well-known for their incredible reading ability and have an innate capacity for learning.Regardless of whether you are buying the Owlet Tutoring Guide for your child or for a commercial company to train employees in writing and vocabulary, this program is just a must-have. With its proven success, there is no doubt that it is a popular option for those who want to help kids learn the basics of learning and writing. What is important is that if you choose this program, your child will be given the chance to shine more than ever before.

Free Downloadable English Learning Software

Free Downloadable English Learning SoftwareIf you have decided to purchase a language course, and can afford it, but need to save money, you might consider purchasing a free downloadable English learning software. There are many places that offer these programs for free. Before you make a decision, though, you should think about what you will use the software for. Do you want it to be used in a classroom, or simply used to do simple exercises and learn English online?For those that just want to get started and learn English, the first question to ask is whether or not you will need the English learning software. If you do and do not plan on spending your time at a brick and mortar school, then the free downloadable software might be all you need. For those that want to use it in a classroom setting, there is more to consider. The software that is available for free has limitations. If you plan on doing a lot of interactive learning, then you will need to find something that will offe r you interactive learning.What you decide to purchase depends on your personal goals for the free downloadable software. If you want to use it to help you with your Spanish study, or if you want to improve your English in a classroom setting, then you might want to purchase an English learning software program. If you only need it for basic text study, then you will be fine using a paid online course that you download from the Internet.In either case, though, there are many things to consider before you make a purchase. First, how much will you be able to use the downloadable English learning software for, and will it cost as much as the more expensive programs? Will you be using it for your first language, then go back to learn another one, or will you purchase a single course, then purchase another to help you with other languages?Second, doyou want the software to include interactive learning, or are you just looking for basic text study? This is also important, because some Eng lish learners use their software to supplement their textbook, while others use it to start a class, and then use it from time to time, so that they are sure to be always in touch with what is being taught.Finally, do you want the downloadable English learning software to be used in a classroom setting, or can you get by with it online? Some people like to download the software to a flash drive and carry it with them, while others do not mind carrying around the software with them. If you do not mind carrying around the flash drive with you, you can save yourself the money of purchasing a larger software package.Once you decide which English learning software you want, do not hesitate to visit a couple of different websites to see that you will like best. Make sure you check out the reviews as well, to see which one you think you will like the best.